Older Adults
The aging process raises many fundamental questions in the field of technology and digital media. How can psychology research help people remain independent and active as they age? How can we reinforce, within the field of psychology, the promotion and prevention of health, especially those aimed at the elderly?
The WHO (2021) proposes:
Active Aging as the main measure to support this process and prevent and reduce problems that may arise in societies such as Ageism (stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination against people because of their age). Active Aging is the process of optimizing opportunities for health, participation and safety in order to improve quality of life as people age.
Therefore, in order to achieve active aging, the study of the various psychosocial phenomena and problems derived from the use of technologies is of great relevance.
FoMO: Older adults sometimes, for various reasons, experience a reduction in their closest support networks and have less frequent contact with them. This may be a factor of psychosocial vulnerability in this population, which may lead to an increase in the Fear of Missing Out, increasing a more compulsive use of digital media derived from the feeling of being left out of new and interesting experiences in their environment.
Phubbing: Sometimes older adults may be suffering from situations in which their environment subjects them to phubbing. This phenomenon involves the use of devices such as smartphones while engaging in social interactions. This may lead to a greater sense and feeling of social exclusion, as well as unwanted loneliness among older adults.
Digital Citizenship: Many older adults have seen the exercise of their rights as citizens diminished, due to the irruption of the use of technologies in this area. As a result, older adults make up several generations referred to as “Digital Immigrants”. This makes Digital Literacy particularly important for this population if they are to feel included among citizens exercising their rights and responsibilities fully and safely.